The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, Kobarid

Visit us in the Walk of Peace Visitor Centre in Kobarid. You are kindly invited to explore the Walk of Peace and plan your hikes along it with us. The Visitor Centre offers all kinds of information on the trail, free promotional leaflets, maps and guidebooks on the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic. In our centre, you can hire experienced guides who will take you to guided tours. You can view a free interactive exhibition on the Walk of Peace and visit our souvenir shop whose offer boasts a variety of local products, selected souvenirs and history and tourist literature. In addition to the information on the Walk of Peace, our Visitor Centre also provides other information related to the Soča Valley as tourist destination. But you can also just sit down in the shadow of our yard, take a sip of coffee or cold drink or have ice cream. Welcome!


Photos: (1) Katarina & Andrej; (2) Jošt Gantar, Turizem Dolina Soče; (3, 4, 5, 6) Fundacija Poti miru; (7, 8) Andrej Perko

Center za obiskovalce Pot miru, Kobarid
(The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, Kobarid)

Gregorčičeva ulica 8
SI–5222 Kobarid
+386 5 389 0167
+386 31 586 296
turizem@potmiru.si, info@thewalkofpeace.com

GPS: 46.246807, 13.580748

Opening hours: Monday–Friday Weekend, Holidays
1 November–31 March 9:00–13:00 & 13:30–15:00 closed
April 09:00–13:00 & 14:00–16:00 10:00–13:00 & 14:00–16:00
May 09:00–13:00 & 14:00–17:00 10:00–13:00 & 14:00–17:00
June 09:00–13:00 &14:00–18:00 10:00–13:00 & 14:00–18:00
July, August 09:00–19:00 10:00–13:00 & 14:00–19:00
September 09:00–13:00 & 14:00–18:00 10:00–13:00 & 14:00–18:00
October* 09:00–13:00 & 14:00–16:00 10:00–13:00 & 14:00–16:00


Book a guided tour


Outdoor Museum Kolovrat

The Story of War and Peace in the Arms of Nature >

1.5‒2 hrs |Easy

Hiking Biking Families Researchers Groups

Memorial Church of the Holy Spirit in Javorca

Polog – an Exciting Vale of Peace >

3.5 hrs |Easy

Hiking Families Researchers Groups

Outdoor Museum Ravelnik

In the Shelter of Mountains >

1.5 hrs |Easy

Hiking Biking Families Researchers Groups

Outdoor Museum Mengore

The Guard of the Tolmin Bridgehead >

2‒7 hrs |Easy/Medium

Hiking Families Researchers Groups

Interactive Exhibition

An interactive exhibition is currently in the preparation stage.


Gallery and Conference Rooms

In the gallery and conference rooms, various expert and art exhibitions, events, lectures, etc. are organised. The rooms can also be rented.


Prices of room and equipment renting:

Rental time Without equipment With equipment
Up to 4 hours 100 € + VAT 140 € + VAT
Up to 8 hours 150 € + VAT 190 € + VAT
More than 8 hours 200 € + VAT 240 € + VAT


Rental of the sound system outside The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre:
Rental & sound engineer: 120-200 € + VAT


Promotional materials
