Pot miru – dediščina prve svetovne vojne (The Walk of Peace – World War I Heritage)
LAS Dolina Soče ‒ Spodbujanje skupnega življenja v dolini Soče (LAG Soča Valley – Encouraging Communal Life in the Soča Valley)
The project was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology by confirming the Local Development Strategy for the local action group LAS Dolina Soče for the programming period 2014‒2020. The project was co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
ALISTO – Ali sulla storia/Na krilih zgodovine (Wings on History)
Project ALISTO – Wings on History was co-financed under the Italy‒Slovenia Cross-border Cooperation Programme by the European Regional Development Fund and state funds.
Zgodovinske poti prve svetovne vojne od Alp do Jadrana
Sentieri storici della Prima guerra mondiale dalle Alpi allʼAdriatico
(Historical Trails of World War I from the Alps to the Adriatic)
The project was co-financed under the Italy‒Slovenia Cross-border Cooperation Programme from the European Regional Development Fund and state funds.
Pot miru na Smaragdni poti (The Walk of Peace on the Emerald Trail)
Call for proposals from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Slovenia for obtaining funds from the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF for the implementation of activities of regional destination organizations.
Razpis ESRR za dodatno promocijo turistične ponudbe v Sloveniji
(ERDF Call for Proposals for Additional Promotion of the Tourist Offer in Slovenia)
Public call for proposals from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Slovenia for obtaining funds from the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF for additional promotion of the tourist offer in Slovenia in 2009.
Zgodovina povezuje/La storia unisce/History – the Unifying Agent
A Swiss-Slovenian project supported by the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.
Pot po dediščini soške fronte (Trail Along the Heritage of the Isonzo Front)
Call for proposals under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, published in mid-February 2008 by the Department of the Republic of Slovenia for European Affairs. The call was open to NGOs.
Pot miru – soška fronta (The Walk of Peace ‒ Isonzo Front)
Open call for proposals by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia for the selection of contractors who would implement public cultural projects in the field of cultural heritage (JPR-KD-2010).