The museum SMO of San Pietro al Natisone/Špietar is dedicated to the cultural landscape that stretches from the Julian Alps to the Adriatic Sea, from Mt. Mangart to the Gulf of Trieste. The particularity of this museum is that it is not defined by a collection of objects, yet it has a narrative.
The museum is conceived as an active, dynamic and inspiring place, based on communication; the places unfold and are narrated through aspects that characterise the culture of the area. This is a place where artistic experimentation and territories of memory are weaved together. The museum offers interactive itineraries and multimedia pictures of a landscape interpreted as cohesion of people and places, stories and memories able to generate motivation and encourage reflection.
The museum is designed with scientific rigour but it also works as a communication device. There are a lot of different interactive installations. The new technologies installed are key elements of this interactive museum. The visitor is not a simple spectator but the protagonist of the knowledge process.
Museo di paesaggi e narrazioni
(Slovensko Multimedialno Okno ‒ SMO)
Via Alpe Adria, 73
I–33049 San Pietro al Natisone (UD)
+39 0432 727490
Centro visitatori ‟Walk of Peace”,
IAT Valli del Natisone
(The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre,
IAT Valli del Natisone)
Via Alpe Adria, 73
I–33049 S. Pietro al Natisone (UD)
+39 349 3241168, +39 339 8403196