Piazza Unità d’Italia (Unity of Italy Square) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful prospects of Trieste/Trst. The surrounding palaces provide a special hallmark, and the square itself, which opens to the sea, is unique, both by day and at night when tens of white and blue lights illuminate it. In terms of history, the square is strongly related to World War I, starting with its name. It was called Piazza Grande at the time of the Habsburg Monarchy. The part of it that lies closer to the sea was then a park. In November 1918 the square was renamed Piazza Unità d’Italia to celebrate the transition of the city to the Kingdom of Italy. On this occasion, trees were cut down and the square was paved with stone slabs.
Riva del Mandracchio
Centro visitatori “Walk of Peace”, Trieste Info Point
(The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, Trieste Infopoint)
Piazza Unità d’Italia, 4/b
I–34121 Trieste
+39 040 3478312