Quarto d’Altino Ossuary

Hiking Biking Researchers
30 min.

During the last year of World War I, the cemetery in San Michele del Quarto d’Altino was one of the many burial places designated to receive mortal remains of soldiers who fell in combats on the Piave front. A few years after the war, it was decided that a charnel house be built inside the cemetery wall; it was dedicated to the fallen Altino soldiers. It is a simple chapel, adjacent to the outer wall and surmounted by a dome on top of which stands a votive lamp. Inside, there is a bronze plaque, a donation by the Committee for Honouring Soldiers who Fell in Defending Venice, as well as two white marble tablets bearing the names of the fallen soldiers.


Register of the Fallen Soldiers

Text: Regione del Veneto
Photos: VeGAL, Comune di Quarto d’Altino

Access and useful info


The civil cemetery in Quarto d’Altino can be reached from Via Guglielmo Marconi (SP41).


Centro visitatori “Walk of Peace”, MUB Museo della Bonifica
(The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, MUB Museo della Bonifica)
Viale Primavera, 45
I‒30027 San Donà di Piave (VE)
+39 0421 42047
museobonifica@sandonadipiave.net, museicivici@sandonadipiave.net

Comune di Quarto d’Altino
(Municipality of Quarto d’Altino)
Piazza S. Michele, 48
I‒30020 Quarto d’Altino (VE)
+39 0422 8261

Hiking Biking Researchers
30 min.


30 min.

GPS coordinates

45.57748, 12.37607

Best time of year
