The MUB collections present many important historical elements of the city and its surroundings; the focus is laid on the topic of land reclamation which is one of the most determining factors of territorial development. The section dedicated to World War I addresses the issue of the military conflict on the reclaimed land with a display of weapons, residues found in the trenches along the Piave River, as well as some officer uniforms and other materials belonging to the Austro-Hungarian and Italian armies. A part of the exhibition is dedicated to Giannino Ancillotto, the flying ace of the Italian Air Force, who had been born in San Donà, was decorated with the Gold Medal and is remembered for his daring and heroic deeds. Moreover, thanks to the collaboration in the cross-border Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia WALKofPEACE project, part of the exhibition offers additional multimedia content that the visitors can access via an app, making the visit even more interesting.
The Museum also provides a library, documentary and photo archives, a conference room, an audiovisual room, classrooms, and a bookshop. The MUB also houses the Walk of Peace Visitor Centre for the Veneto segment.
If coming from Portogruaro, use the road SS14. In the third roundabout turn to Via Giorgione and drive for another 700 metres to the next roundabout where you take the third exit (Viale Primavera). Right after exiting the roundabout, turn left to the parking lot of the Museo della Bonifica.
Centro visitatori “Walk of Peace”, MUB Museo della Bonifica
(The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, MUB Museo della Bonifica)
Viale Primavera, 45
I‒30027 San Donà di Piave (VE)
+39 0421 42047,