Museum Collection Kobarid in the Great War 1917

Hiking Biking Families Researchers Groups
1 hr

Ivo Krajnik Snr., the founder of the collection, was one of the first collectors in the area around Kobarid. He started to systematically collect items from World War I after accidentally stumbling across some cannons in the Soča river. After reading the literature which described this bloody period of history he walked and searched all the nearby battlefields and places where soldiers were stationed. Soon he collected a substantial amount of arms and military equipment. He was particularly interested in the private objects that belonged to the soldiers. He organised and displayed the found items in his home basement. After his death, his son took over the collection. Most of the items are still displayed in the home basement but the most interesting and rarest ones can be seen at the exhibition that was organised by Ivo Krajnik Jr. with the help of friends and the Municipality of Kobarid in the building next to the Italian Charnel House above Kobarid.

Text: Kulturna dediščina med Alpami in Krasom, Vodnik po zbirkah/L’eredità culturale fra Alpi e Carso, Guida alle collezioni, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 2015, p. 74.
Photos: (1) Simon Kovačič, Fundacija Poti miru; (2, 3) Schirra/Giraldi, PromoTurismoFVG; (4) Ivo Krajnik, Fundacija Poti miru

Access and useful info


From the centre of Kobarid head upwards towards the Italian Charnel House, located on the small hill of Gradič. Left from the charnel house and the Church of St. Anthony, stands a building that houses the museum collection. Access is possible on foot or by car.


Muzejska zbirka Kobarid v véliki vojni 1917
Ivo Krajnik
Pot na Gradič 5
SI‒5222 Kobarid
+386 41 713 658 (Ivo Krajnik), +386 41 713 829 (Darko Smrekar),

Visiting the private collection is possible by prior arrangement.

Hiking Biking Families Researchers Groups
1 hr


1 hr

GPS coordinates

46.247627, 13.583189

Best time of year
