On the top of the hill Colle di S. Giusto in Trieste/Trst stands a monument, dedicated to the Italian Third Army (Ara della Terza Armata) which was under the command of Emanuele Filiberto Duke of Aosta. The monument was officially unveiled in 1929 in the presence of the duke himself. It is a work by architect Carlo Polli and is made of white stone. There are several engraved inscriptions on the pedestal, from the epigraph Le vittoriose armi qui consacrò la III Armata al comando di Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia (The victorious arms were consecrated here by the Third Army under the command of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia) to the names of the rivers Isonzo and Piave, along which the Third Army fought during World War I. Carved in relief on the monument in classical style are rifles, gun machines and two shields.
The monument is located at the side of a parking lot on Piazza della Cattedrale near the church of San Giusto and the monument to the fallen soldiers of the Great War.
Centro visitatori “Walk of Peace”, Trieste Info Point
(The Walk of Peace Visitor Centre, Trieste Infopoint)
Piazza Unità d’Italia, 4/b
I–34121 Trieste
+39 040 3478312