In the implementation of the Walk of Peace mission, the Walk of Peace Foundation is guided by a vision of connection with the actors who share with it exploration of common history, preservation of heritage, maintenance of memory, spreading the value of peace, and the development of cultural tourism. Thanks to its widespread activity, the Foundation has built up an extensive network of solid partnerships on a local, regional, national and European level. To operate successfully, it is indispensable for it to foster close cooperation with museums and other expert institutions which preserve and study cultural heritage, with municipalities, tourist destinations, development agencies, societies, history enthusiasts, and other supporters of the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic.
Among the partners of the Foundation, the most important proves to be the Kobarid Museum. However, the Foundation develops its topmost project, i.e. the cross-border cultural-hiking trail The Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic, together with the Italian partner PromoTurismoFVG of Friuli Venezia Giulia. In study-research activities it largely cooperates with the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Milko Kos Historical Institute), and in preparation and implementation of EU projects with the Soča Valley Development Centre.
The honorary patrons of the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic are the President of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Borut Pahor and the President of the Italian Republic Mr. Sergio Mattarella, as well as the former Presidents of the two named countries, Dr. Danilo Türk and Mr. Giorgio Napolitano.
Ministries and Regions:
Regional Development Agencies:
National, Regional and Local Tourist Organizations:
Heritage Institutions:
Research Institutions:
Tourism & Marketing Agencies:
The Walk of Peace is supported by many individuals who take care of World War I heritage and the Walk of Peace and present them both in the cross-border area and across Europe.