About Us

Ustanova Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju

(The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation)

In World War I, from 1915 to 1917, the Soča Valley was part of the Isonzo Front which is renowned as one of the greatest warfare areas in high mountains. The heritage of the war that affected both people and the land here cannot be overlooked. Today, it belongs to important tangible and intangible heritage of European history. In order to protect and preserve it, the “Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation” (Ustanova “Fundacija Poti miru v Posočju”) was established in 2000. It was founded by Zdravko Likar, Željko Cimprič, Prof. Dr. Anton Jeglič, and the late Prof. Dr. Robert Blinc.

In its 17th session of 21 September 2000, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the national and international project “The Soča Region—The Walk of Peace”. With the decision, it committed several ministries to fund the implementation of the project and initiated the establishment of a special foundation to carry out this project.  On 1 December 2000, the non-profit “Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation” was established. Owing to successful implementation of the 10-year project “The Soča Region—The Walk of Peace”, every next 5 years the RS Government, on the basis of inter-ministerially coordinated government material as well as a report and programme for the next 5 years, adopted a decision on further co-financing of this international project. In the 2021–2025 period, the Foundation’s programme is financed by: Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, and Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.
The implementation of the programme is also supported by the Ministry of Culture, individual municipalities along the Walk of Peace, and some sponsors. The Foundation provides an important amount of funds for its operation by successfully applying for European tenders and also through its own activity.

Basic activities of the Foundation are as follows: study-research work, restoration and presentation of World War I historical and cultural heritage, publishing expert and promotional materials, managing the Kobarid history library, and developing history tourism. The mission of the Foundation is to connect the areas and people and present cultural and natural heritage along the former Isonzo Front, maintain the memory of all World War I victims, and encourage consideration about the value of peace. To this end, it cooperates with municipalities and other significant organisations in Slovenia and Italy and also other countries that participated in World War I. The Foundation performs its activities and achieves its purpose and mission by developing and coordinating the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic between Slovenia and Italy. Future idea is to create the European Walk of Peace and to connect WW1 frontlines from East to West of Europe. We would like to nominate WW1 heritage and the Walk of Peace for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and the Unesco List.

The Foundation management board consists of the president Zdravko Likar, vice president Prof. Dr. Petra Svoljšak and the members Željko Cimprič, Prof. Dr. Anton Jeglič, and Mara Černic.


Maša Klavora


+386 5 389 0166

Jasmina Urbančič Berginc

+386 5 389 0167

Katja Sivec

+386 5 389 0168

Leon Četrtič

+386 5 389 0167

Mihael Uršič

+386 5 389 0168

Urška Lazar

+386 5 389 0166

Simona Bizjak

+386 5 389 0168

Suzana Hvala

+386 5 389 0168


Aeroporto Trieste

Via Aquileia, 46

34077 Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)


+39 0431 387 111


Nicola Revelant

+39 0431387129


The main partners of the Walk of Peace Foundation in the development of the Walk of Peace idea are as follows: the Kobarid Museum, the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Milko Kos Historical Institute), the Soča Valley Development Centre and the PromoTurismoFVG.

