GOV4PeaCE Transnational Strategic Conference in Slovakia (28‒30 January 2025)

From January 28 to 30, 2025, a transnational conference took place in Humenné and Stakčín as part of the GOV4PeaCE project, focusing on the protection and promotion of World War I heritage.

The conference started on January 28 in the afternoon, with project partners presenting activities carried out in the countries involved. One of the main topics was the analysis of data collected on World War I heritage during the previous year. The participants were shown the results of this data collection, noting that local governments and national authorities play a key role in caring for World War I sites. Most of the sites are in good condition, with ongoing maintenance, providing a solid foundation for further presentation and protection of this heritage.

The second day of the conference, January 29, focused on presenting planned activities for the coming months. The discussion covered the specifics of World War I heritage in different countries. Not all the countries involved in the project were directly affected by the war, which presents challenges in research and protection. Additionally, the duration and intensity of the war events varied between regions, and these factors must be considered when creating a joint strategy for the care and presentation of World War I heritage.

The conference continued with a field trip to World War I sites in the Poloniny National Park. Participants visited war cemeteries in Stakčín, Príslop, and Topoľa, as well as a historic wooden church and a crypt with the remains of fallen soldiers in Osadné. During the trip, discussions took place about the historical, cultural, and regional significance of these sites. Participants learned about their protection and maintenance process, and shared good practices from other countries. The role of local communities in caring for World War I heritage was also discussed, along with the possibility of creating cross-border tourist routes connecting these sites in the Slovak-Polish and Slovak-Ukrainian border areas.

On the final day of the conference, January 30, the project was presented to both the general and expert public, followed by a panel discussion on research, management, and presentation of World War I heritage. The panel discussion included:

  • Martin Drobňák (moderator), project coordinator of GOV4PeaCE and an employee at the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic,
  • Anton Liška, associated partner from the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic,
  • Miroslav Buraľ, regional historian and an employee at the Administration of Poloniny National Park,
  • Radoslav Turík, stakeholder from the Beskydy Military History Club.

The discussion focused on the historical context of the battlefield in the Poloniny region, the number and condition of sites, and challenges in their research and protection. Special attention was given to the relationship between these sites and the surrounding landscape, as well as the local community’s connection to them. The role of various institutions in managing World War I heritage, such as national authorities, local governments, and the third sector, was also addressed.

The discussion concluded by emphasizing that collaboration between European partners can significantly improve the management of this heritage. Successful examples from countries like Belgium, Italy, and Slovenia can inspire Slovakia. Implementing these practices in Slovak-Polish and Slovak-Ukrainian border areas could yield positive results. The conference concluded by highlighting the need for further research, more efficient management, and broader cooperation in the protection and promotion of World War I heritage.


Full report Slovakia >>


Photos: Fundacija Poti miru
