EU Programme: Interreg Central Europe 2021–2027
Project name: multi-dimensional and cross-territorial governance model for activation of the WW1 heritage to foster sustainable socio-economic development of remote territories of Central Europe

Programme priority: better governance for greater cooperation

Specific objective: SO4.1.: better governance for integral territorial development in Central Europe

Project acronym: GOV4PeACE

Project duration: 30 months (May 2024–October 2026)

Project overall objective:
GOV4PeaCE aims to overcome complex territorial and sectoral barriers in WW1 heritage governance which hinder its socio-economic activation for integrated development of remote Central Europe territories where major WW1 frontlines took place and its heritage remains untapped.


Following an innovative multi- dimensional and cross-territorial WW1 heritage governance model, GOV4PeaCE project intends to set up sustainable governance structures and tools to trigger WW1 heritage valorisation within and across functional territories.


To ensure the realization of the objective, the activities were organised in 3 work packages (WP):

  • WP1 – Innovative strategic model for multi-dimensional and cross-territorial WW1 heritage governance
  • WP2 – Piloting the WW1 heritage governance model in functional territories of different maturity level
  • WP3 – Transnational governance and digital platform for sustainable WW1 heritage functional territories


11 project partners:
Soča Valley Development Centre
The Walk of Peace Fundation
ZRC SAZU Milko Kos Historical Institute
VeGAL Venezia
Italian War History Museum Rovereto
Gorlice Municipality
Association of the Carpathian Euroregion
Slovakia: Administration of the Poloniny National Park
Hungary: Moraholom Municipality
Belgium: In Flanders Fields Museum


19 strategic associated partners from:
Slovenia (Ministry of Culture, Triglav National Park, Ministry of Defence, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia),
Italy (Memorial Veneto Great War Montebelluna, EZTS GO – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, Stelvio National Park – Lombardy),
Poland (Jagiellonian University in Krakow – Institute of History)
Hungary (Ministry of Defence Institute and Museum of Military History Meritum Association),
Slovakia (The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic, Municipality of Stakčin, Culture and tourist Centre Bardejov),
Belgium (Visit Flanders Tourism Board),
France (Historial of the Great War, Peronne and Thiepval Museums),
Romania (Association Bastion-Varbastya),
Ukraine (Uzhhorod National University),
Austria (Association Dolomitenfreunde/Path of Peace),
Germany (German War Graves Commission).


Project activities include the participation of public and private stakeholders and decision makers from different sectors and territories. Based on workshops, study visits, exchange of knowledge and practices, an innovative multidimensional heritage governance model on a transnational level will be established.



  • Fragmented WW1 heritage management and absence of structures that would enable cross-territorial and multi-sectoral cooperation
  • Limited governance capacities to address the WW1 heritage potential through integrated territorial development
  • Exploiting digitisation for multi-dimensional collaboration and green trends to promote holistic approach towards WW1 heritage management
  • Taking the advantage of WW1 global dimension for upscaling local potential, value, impact and visibility to the transnational level



1 strategy for introduction of an innovative multi-dimensional governance model for WW1 heritage socio-economic activation within and between transnational functional territories

3 WW1 heritage governance model pilots implemented in 3 functional territories of different maturity level

3 WW1 heritage governance solutions for 3 functional territories of different maturity level
Proposed and a digital governance platform for all functional territories.

1 action plan for transnational governance model of WW1 heritage socio-economic activation

30 organisations cooperating across borders in the frame of the GOV4PeaCE


More about the project:
Vesna Kozar, Soča Valley Development Centre,
Maša Klavora, The Walk of Peace Foundation,


Video Kick off meeting Kobarid 21-23 May 2024 >>
